We are proud to be teaming up with Teton Toyota for this year’s campaign!
Special thanks to our Supporting Sponsors:
Sermon Service & Electric, Curtis Porter & Adams, Westmark CU, Tile Trends, Browning’s Honey, Chastain Financial, Bank of Idaho, and Browning Law
Bring a new unwrapped toy for a child 0-14 year old or make a cash donation during our Live Toy Drive Events!
Friday, Oct. 1st, 10am-2pm @ Petsmart, Idaho Falls
Friday, Oct 8th, 10am-Noon at Sam’s Club, Idaho Falls
Saturday, Oct. 23rd: 10am-Noon @ Al’s Sporting Goods, Idaho Falls
Saturday, Nov. 13th: 10am-Noon @ Al’s Sporting Goods, Idaho Falls
Saturday, Dec. 4th: 10am-Noon @ Weebee Toys, Idaho Falls
Make a monetary donation now HERE
Toy Drop Off Locations:
The KID Studios – 1406 Commerce Way
Teton Toyota
Sermon Service & Electric
Curtis Porter & Adams
Cal Ranch, Rexburg